
Things to Remember While Planning Your Celebration

Capacities and Mandates

Capacities and mandates are ever changing. Venues are doing their best to work within constantly changing waters to insure you are able to host your celebrations and do so in the safest way possible. We will work to keep you up to date on changes and provide resources to help you. The state can make changes at any time dependent upon covid numbers, so keep flexible.

Covid Mandates and Guidelines

State restrictions and guidelines can be frustrating, but please remember, they are set by the state and not by a restaurant or venue. Please do not push to have them bend the rules for you. These guidelines are there for everyone’s safety and not abiding by them can lead a business to be shut down.


From one venue or restaurant to another, pricing may seem slightly higher than pre-covid. This is due to the increased cost of food due to supply chain issues, sanitization protocols, packaging or needs for increased service staff to be sure service within covid protocols is efficient. Special requests, depending on the nature, may not always be able to be accommodated due to supply chain shortages and distributor demand, but restaurants and venues will do their best. You may see increased pricing or additional fees in some instances for specialty requests.

Be patient. Be Kind.

Staff in restaurants and venues are often working with reduced staff, things may take a bit longer. Staff may be wearing various hats and working hard to pivot and find new and creative ways to operate and be there for you. Restaurant and venue staff are working hard to insure that you can celebrate life’s moments and have a feeling of normalcy. Remember, they too are affected by the stresses of covid and coming into contact with guests. Be considerate and follow the rules in place by the establishment and the state to keep everyone safe.

We thank you for supporting this industry in these unprecedented times. We know that it is challenging and frustrating to not be able to plan our celebrations they way we have always envisioned, but the restaurant and events industry is striving every day to find new ways to help you enjoy life’s moments.